Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sweet & Salty Crave

What's sweet and salty and good all over?  These cookies! Warning:  There's something about the combination of pretzels, chocolate and peanut butter that is simply irresistible. I don't think I've ever eaten six cookies in one sitting.   I pulled these out of the oven and it was absolute carnage! Like big blue gone mad, "COOOKIE!"

I've been following the Twinkie crisis although I've never consumed one of the Hostess cakes.  I can't even recall ever eating Wonderbread (I probably have at some point).  Mom was pretty keen on minimally processed food (thank you mom!).  If union negotiations fail to rescue the brand I am going to have to try the legendary treat before it becomes extinct.

Sweet & Salty Cookies

1 stick of butter
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 1/4 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 egg
6 oz chocolate chips
6 oz peanut butter chips
1/2 cup crushed pretzels (salted)

Combine butter and sugar.  Add egg to creamed mixture.  Fold in dry ingredients, stirring until mixture is an even consistency.  Add pretzels and chips.  Enjoy!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Danielle's Disaster Dining

There's something about alliterative titles. A friend of mine suggested the one above for a collection of my recent experiments.

Like many in the tri-state area my family was left without power in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. We consider ourselves fortunate. Those who lost loved ones and livelihoods are in our thoughts and prayers.

A significant percentage of the food I consumed this week was cooked over an open flame. My greatest trivial triumph was successfully baking a peach cobbler over a sterno.

There's no knowing what the coming nor'easter will bring and the road to recovery for the region will be a long one.  Hoping you're all safe and well.  Keep smiling.
